Monday, December 29, 2008

On Hiatus

I will be taking a hiatus from blogging for a while. Fortunately, I left behind a lot of material for anyone interested in reading my writing. Additionally, one will find on this blogpage a link to Don Coorough on WritersCafe. Please feel free to have a look at that site. On it, I have compiled my manuscript, titled "Love-ism," in a manner which reflects how I want to see it presented. One will discover more poems in the manuscript than have been published on my blog as well as additional essays not published on this blog. The poems are separated into type groupings. The essays are placed in a specific order to give individuals an appreciation for my philosophy with an arc leading to a positive ending. Thank you, one and all, for reading any portion of my blog. Everything presented on it has been presented out of my sincere love for people everywhere and a desire to leave behind a snapshot of the best of who I've tried to be and the best of what I've learned in my 56 years. Peace and love to all.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Much love to you, Don, and thank you for being you. Peace.