Saturday, November 8, 2008


she floats across the rose
petals strewn upon the floor, toes wiggling,
surrounded by heavy, fragrant throes; a wink
glows upon her giggling, unblushing
face as fellatio's eyes extract;
she reaches out to calm my foes;
with fingertips' tracings exposed over shivering,
undulating flesh, she encodes my DNA as a snake
god wriggles up her ankle rainbows, teasing
tabbies and calicoes into leading a mouse;
holding a hissing hose
until a banker says, "foreclose," "sit still,"
she snickered; the snake posed with fangs
supposed upon my juggler, those balls
fell bouncing off strewn, dirty clothes;
haphazardly throughout the room, nose nostrils
flared when heavy fragrance chose to rise
into unending, ebonynight bellows' flames
heating beaus' passions for plowed
rows; eternal orbits compose mind;
trapped by stitched zeroes
as my monogram cries cock at sunrise,
a milky, lightning flood blows across
the land with immaculate dreams; bungalows
and palm trees showered silhouetted stilettos
when sunset surfer skies arose;

1 comment:

Calder said...

Great blog Don, enjoyed my visit and reads here today. Peace!

R Jay